Sunday, November 6, 2011

Herman Cain Exposed

The subliminal title of Cain's "They Think You're Stupid"?

Yes, it would appear he does think we're stupid. Or at least he hopes so.

Herman Cain has been promoted as a conservative businessman, and lauded as the former chairman and CEO of Godfather's Pizza from 1986 to 1996. But there is little notice of his concurrent occupation during this time; deputy chairman of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City from 1992 to 1994, and chairman from 1995 to 1996. 

We are in a time of enlightenment regarding the Federal Reserve, a for-profit private banking cartel masquerading as a federal agency. We are learning that half of our $15 trillion debt is owed to this private banking cartel. We are learning that the Fed is the purposeful creator of economic booms and busts, bubbles and major
 Bankster enrichment through taxpayer funded bailouts for their closest cronies.

There are the accusations of Cain's alleged sexual predation on lowly employees utilizing his position of power, replete with $35000 hush money payoff to one of his victims. But this should become a mere footnote to the fact that he once was, and always will be, deeply connected to the den of vipers that have financially ruined millions of
hard working Americans.

Herman Cain = Alan Greenspan.

Herman Cain = Ben Bernanke.

What more needs to be said?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Three Crazy Facts About The Federal Government's Financial Ponzi Scheme

It is a for-profit private bank cartel owned by other banks, some of them foreign. They effectively sell us our money as Federal Reserve Notes, at face value plus interest.  Every dollar in circulation is owed back to the Federal Reserve Bank, plus interest. That is why under our current system, all money is debt, and is nothing but a “Note” that must be repaid.

This is the term describing paper money that has no tangible asset behind it. Up until 1914 every dollar in circulation was a “Silver Certificate” and there was a dollar for dollar amount of gold or silver in the US Treasury vaults to exchange for that paper money if a citizen chose to ask for it. This prevented the printing of paper money without additional hard assets added to the Treasuries vaults

Today there is nothing behind the Federal Reserve Notes but your confidence, and so they print them at will, diluting the value of the notes already in circulation, resulting in a reduced worth of all notes in circulation. Since the inception of the Fed in 1913, our currency has lost over 97% of its purchasing power. This is the genesis of inflation. In reality, prices do not rise; inflation constantly makes your money worth less. Throughout history every fiat paper money scheme has resulted in financial collapse, and ours is teetering over the abyss.

Do you see the subtle difference? Once you could demand silver,
now you only get more paper fiat.

Nearly 50% of the total US Debt is owed to the Federal Reserve. If the Federal Reserve truly were a government agency, that would mean our government would owe a government agency $7.4 trillion dollars, placing us in danger of total default because of it.

The Federal Reserve scam was dreamed up in 1910 by seven ultra-wealthy bankers and industrialists at a secretive meeting on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia, and snuck through Congress during the Christmas vacation in 1913. The Federal Income Tax was enacted also in 1913 to pay for the profits of the Federal Reserve. Yes, they make a profit by selling us our money which they created out of thin air like magicians. That's right, the income tax goes to the Fed, not to the operation of our country, and the IRS was re-instituted to collect this massive profit stream for the Fed. Prior to 1913 the nation was completely operated out of fees, corporate taxes and tariffs, and the average worker slaving away to support his family was left out of it. Now we are being impoverished by it, all for the profit of greedy international banksters!

It's time to AUDIT THE FED, which amazingly has never been done. Imagine, the largest banking operation in the world, and it has never been fully audited!!! 

Then it's time to END THE FED, a totally unnecessary private for-profit banking cartel, as the US Constitution grants Congress the right to create our money with no interest charges to us.